Tuesday, January 15, 2008

what causes civlizations to grow and mature.

That they have a great leaders who know leadership and how to rule their counties.Also they have people under them that believe in what they are doing.They have good control of their country and know what's going on.So to have civilizations to grow and mature is to have a great leader.

A way in see the usa going is that if we have people that are good role models and that they have jesus in their hearts.I think that president bush has done a great job in the white house because the usa has been stronger so to act mature and be a role model to others.

Another way our civilization has changed is when Abe Lincoln was president and he said put away salves and they had a war.The north won and so salves were banned and our nation was banned.


Kristi said...

Do you think it matters about the religion of the country concerning whether they prosper and mature or die away?

Where do you see the United States at this time concerning this?

Kristi said...

Please correct your capital letters and two spaces after each sentence throughout this whole post.
